This year Ancona is ready to shine for the holiday season, and Christmas is going to spread all over town. The city is getting ready for all the events which are taking place in many different locations: some of them already iconic at Christmas time plus some yet to be discovered in a new light, moving from the city centre to the suburbs and the villages.
This Christmas 2023 will bring a lot of novelty, among which you will find: the Christmas lights for the first time at the Viale della Vittoria, live nativity scenes located at the Porto Antico and Piano San Lazzaro, and last but not least a space dedicated to children and families in Piazza Stamira.
The official inauguration of the Christmas season is taking place on the 2nd of December at 6 pm, when 26 trees present in different parts of the city are going to be turned on at the same time as well as all the other city lights creating an ideal connection starting from the Archi area and first passing through the Mole, then to Corso Garibaldi and the Viale, following the “sea to sea” path.
Do you know you can enjoy a ride on the ferris wheel? You can find it in Piazza Cavour until the 25th of January, along the Christmas Markets, which are going to be there until the 28th of December.
If you’re up for a tour of the city, you can try to find the Christmas trees, from the smaller to the bigger ones. Here are some of the locations:
via della Loggia
via XXIX Settembre
Piazza Don Minzoni
piazza Diaz
Corso Amendola
Galleria Dorica
piazza San Francesco
piazza Ugo Bassi
Piazza Salvo d’Acquisto
Saturday the 2nd of December at 6 pm – Piazza Roma is going to be the starting point of the inauguration which is going to be part of a bigger religious celebration. In 1223, in Greccio, was created the first live nativity scene by Saint Francis of Assisi: Greccio is going to be the starting point of a trip of a torch which will be taken to Bethlem in the beginning of next year. Ancona will be one of the main stops of this trip, and a celebration is going to take place at the presence of the Bishop of Ancona to give prominence to the religious value of this festivity.
The torch will then be blessed by Pope Francis on the 29th of December and will then proceed with the travel to the Sacred Land.
Afterwards, some bands are going to perform some choral music.
Piazza Pertini instead is the location of the skating rink along with other recreational activities.
Piazza Stamira, right by Piazza Pertini, is going to host the Santa Claus and the Elves’ village with lights and many games, workshops and fun activities dedicated to children and families.
Porto Antico will be a scenic location thanks to the presence of the live nativity scene on the 26th and the 30th of December. The access for the public is from the Clementine Arch, through an emotional path up to the hut of the Little Child.
In the Archi district activities start as well on the weekend of the 2nd and 3rd of December with “Attacchi d’Archi” in Piazza del Crocifisso, a lively district market with little artisanal stands, music, performances and activites in collaboration with artists and shops of our area.
The Viale della Vittoria with “Natale al Viale” is also going to be the location of an artisanal market with food and products from the Marche region. The opening days are: 2, 3, 15, 16, 17, 21, 22, 23, 24, 26, 29 and 30th of December. On the 15th and 16th of December there is also going to be the Antiquities Market.
HOW TO ARRIVE: It is possible to reach Ancona by car, train or plane. If you are coming by car, there are many parking lots close to the city to avoid getting stuck in traffic. For the Christmas period bus services are going to be available on weekends and on holidays. Buses are going to connect the Tavernelle parking lot, Archi park and Piazza d’Armi to the center of the city, as well as buses to visit the live nativity scene in the Porto Antico on the 26th and 30th of December.